Input New Data

Input New Data

Here you will learn how to input new data along with best practices.

The Input Element

After logging in to the Simmify app dashboard and selecting a folder, you should see an input element in the middle of your screen. This element has two tabs, each representing a mode: Search and Input. You can either select the Input tab by clicking on it with your mouse or pressing the Tab key on your keyboard (ensure the text selector is inside the input field for this to work).

Once you have inputted your data, congratulations! You have created your first entry. It will take approximately 1 minute for your entry to be embedded and indexed. After this process is complete, you will be able to search for your data using the search functionality.

Best Practices

Utilizing AI, the Simmify search engine offers more flexible methods for storing and searching data compared to traditional approaches. Its power lies in its simplicity.

Organizing Your Entries

The Simmify search engine is so powerful that organizing your entries is optional. You can input various topics and data into one folder, and Simmify will still yield accurate results without any loss in quality when searching.

However, when sharing folders with others, it’s a good idea to organize your data. Anyone with access to a shared folder will be able to view and delete entries within it. To avoid accidental exposure of private information, keep sensitive data in personal folders and ensure nothing private is placed into shared folders. You can recognize shared folders by their unique icon.

Formatting Input

The search engine works by understanding the meaning of text. Unlike traditional methods, providing more context enhances the search performance. For example, entering just "Tesla" might not be sufficient. If you are searching for car types, the system may not immediately associate the term "Tesla" with the car manufacturer, as it could refer to a Tesla coil or Nikola Tesla himself.

To improve search accuracy, add more context to your entries. A better example for a car-related search would be: "car manufacturer: Tesla, Inc.". This way, your search results will be more relevant to your specific needs.